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Detecting Ascending Sequence

on under KDE
2 minute read

Just completed the basic logic for Detection of ascending order. Roughly, I created a Grid item with few number of Rectangles as Repeators. Each of the individual Rectangles will have unique numbers for the users to choose from.

Grid {
    id: grids
    rows: 1
    spacing: 12
    Repeater {
        id: boxes
        model: 4
        Rectangle {
            property int imageX: 0
            width: 360/2
            height: 360/2
            radius: 20
            property int clicked:0

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onClicked :{

            GCText {
                id: numText
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                text: imageX.toString()

(Few datas are hardcoded, it will be generalised later)

The object that is sent to the javascript code is given as follow:

QtObject {
    id: items
    property Item main: activity.main
    property alias background: background
    property alias bar: bar
    property alias bonus: bonus
    property alias grids: grids
    property alias boxes: boxes
    property alias ansText: ansText
    property alias ok: ok

ansText is a GCText component to display both the user’s answer and the correct answer. ok is a button which will reload the current level if the user’s answer is not the correct one.

Moving on to the javascript file, the start method looks like this

function start(items_) {
    items = items_
    currentLevel = 0

function initLevel() { = currentLevel + 1

currentLevel indicates the index of the level (starting from 0), and is the level number (starting from 1). initGrids() initialises the number of grids, based of the level number.

function initGrids() {
    items.boxes.model = 2*(


    for(var i=0;i<items.boxes.model;i++) {

First, we are setting the number of grids which should be in a given level. This is equal to 2*(levelNumber)+1 in this case. Then we generated the same number of unique random numbers within the given range and store it in num[] array. Then we traverse through each grids individually and set their text (= the number written on them) and color. We also mark it as unvisited by making hash[i]=0.

function generateRandomNumbers() {
    var n=items.boxes.model
    // generate n random numbers and store it in num[]
    var upperBound = (*100
    while(num.length < n) {
        var randomNumber=Math.ceil(Math.random()*upperBound)
        if(num.indexOf(randomNumber) > -1) {
kde, gcompris
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