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Hangman - Attempted Characters

on under KDE
2 minute read

First merge always feels good! I was working on adding this feature for the last few days, and it is done finally.

Commit Link on Github


To add a Textfield to display the characters which were attempted by the user in the Hangman activity.




GCText {
    id: guessedText
    fontSize: smallSize
    color: "#FFFFFF"
    wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
    width: parent.width - 2*clock.width
    anchors {
        horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
    z: 12

The textfield which displays the characters which are attempted by the user. The color of the text is white ( #FFFFFF ), and the width is width of the screen - 2*(width of the clock) to avoid the text and the clock to get overlapped.

Rectangle {
    width: guessedText.width
    height: guessedText.height
    radius: 10
    border.width: 1
    gradient: Gradient {
        GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#000" }
        GradientStop { position: 0.9; color: "#666" }
        GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#AAA" }
    anchors {
        horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
    z: 11

This is the Rectangle that will be under the text. A gradient is given to this Rectangle from black (top ) to a lighter color (bottom).

Also, we need to make sure that the hint image doesn’t get overlapped with the text. For that, we change the width of the imageframe to:

Item {
        id: imageframe
        width: Math.min(300 * ApplicationInfo.ratio,
        background.width * 0.8,
        hidden.y) - guessedText.height


In the javascript file, we create the logic to generate the text in the following way:

function createAttemptedText() {
    items.guessedText.text = qsTr("Attempted: %1").arg(alreadyTypedLetters.join(", "))

alreadyTypedLetters is an array that stores the characters that are typed by the user. We are using qsTr() to enable translation for the given text to various other languages.

To make it work, we call createAttemptedText() from:

  • initSubLevel() function, right after declaring alreadyTypedLetters array. At this point, the array will be empty, so we will have only the header in the text field.
  • processKeyPress(text) function, write after the newly typed character is pushed into the alreadyTypedLetters array. Thus, whenever a new charater is typed by the user, createAttemptedText() will be called.


kde, gcompris
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