GCompris - Odd even activity
The main purpose of this was to add the odd even category to the categorization activity. It seemed to be a pretty straightforward task, but one issue lead to the other and I learned a lot more than what I thought previously.
In the original activity, all the categories were stored in the qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/categorization/resource/board/
and were named as categoryxx.qml
were x = 1 to 16, and the number of categories were hardcoded in the activity. My work mainly included:
- adding the odd-even category
- To make sure that importing the categories dataset is not hardcoded
Adding the odd-even category is pretty simple. We just need to create the dataset, and the background js and qml will take care of it. For the category, I made 6 levels, the first level is just one digit numbers, 2nd level is 2 digit and 3rd level is 3 digit. The next 3 levels is combinations of these, and I chose not to add too many levels to it, since the only thing that matters here is the last digit.
The second point is the most important part. We had a basic idea that importing the datasets should be independent of their names. So, I created a simple C++ class in the core
that contains a method that would take in a link to a directory and will return the names of all the files in it. I will talk about creating the C++ class and integrating it with qml in the next blog post. For this blog, we consider that we have a class Directory
, and a method QStringList getFiles(Qstring)
that takes in the location as QString
and returns the list of all files as QStringList
. We also added a variable to each of the datasets, a boolean to check if the dataset is a demo level or not (via the isEmbedded
We send the files from the qml to the js via the items as :
property string datasetURL: ":/gcompris/src/activities/categorization/resource/board/"
QtObject {
id: items
property Item main: activity.main
property var categories: directory.getFiles(datasetURL)
Directory {
id: directory
In the js, in the start() method, we store all the categories in the categoryList[]
array first, and store only the ones we need for now (if we are in demo mode, we need only the demo once).
var categoryLists = []
categoryLists = items.categories
var isEmbeddedMode = items.file.exists(fileName) ? true : false
for(var i = 0; i < categoryLists.length; i++) {
categoriesFilename = boardsUrl + "board" + "/" + categoryLists[i]
items.categoryReview.categoryDataset.source = categoriesFilename
if(isEmbeddedMode || (items.categoryReview.categoryDataset.item).isEmbedded ) {
And that is it. Now, we can add any dataset files in the dataset folder, and it will be imported in the activity.
Let me know what you think of this article on twitter @RudraNilBasu or leave a comment below!