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My Setup

on under linux
1 minute read

Let’s discuss about my current setup, because why not.

Quick facts:

  • Distro: Kubuntu 16.04
  • Kernel version: 4.4.0-70-generic

The Shell

I use zsh as default shell. For configuring zsh, I use the oh-my-zsh framework to make it look (and work) way cooler. With that, I have the Inconsolata font installed, to allow the agnoster font to work properly. For the terminal, I use terminator. With those, the results are:


As for the cow with the quote, it is something that pops up whenever a new instance of the terminal is opened. It is a simple script I wrote and attached it in the end of ~/.zshrc (It maybe ~/.bashrc if you are using bash instead of zsh):

shuf -n 1 ~/.quotes | cowsay | lolcat

The Text Editor: Vim

I have two plugins added for Vim:

  • Vim-airlines: A customisable plugin to add various themes in vim, which helps to improve the workflow
  • NerdTree: To explore the files and documents via vim

I am also thinking of the adding YouCompleteMe plugin in Vim, for autocomplition


vim, linux
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